Roshan Gharana Program

CM Roshan Gharana Program: 50000 Solar system for Punjab

Hare is a great news for the people of Punjab, Pakistan. Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz Sharif has launched Roshan Gharana program. Under this program, 50000 free solar systems have been given to the people of Punjab to meet the shortage of electricity in Punjab. The government has stipulated that solar systems will be given to 50,000 consumers who consume less than 100 units of electricity. A solar system includes a modern solar inverter plate and other electrical equipment. In this article, I will share complete information about the CM Roshan Gharana Program and about the Solar System scheme. So if you are interested, then read this article completely.

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CM Roshan Gharana Program:

A meeting of the Punjab Cabinet was held under the chairmanship of Chief Minister Punjab in which Roshan Gharana program was reviewed, on which Secretary Energy briefed him. In the meeting, it was decided that 50000 people should be given free solar system to avoid power crisis. The CM has directed to start the program immediately for which funds of Rs 12.6 billion have been released. The Chief Minister has directed that the solar system program should include modern solar panels, good batteries and other essential items. Further, he has also issued instructions to prepare modern good plates.

It should be noted that under the Roshan Gharana program, solar plates will be given only to those consumers whose electricity consumption is less than 300 units per month.

How to Register In Roshan Gharana Program:

No registration procedure for Roshan Gharana program has been released by the Punjab government yet. But it will be released soon. But according to the latest update, the solar system will be given to those customers whose monthly electricity consumption is around 100 units. A Draw will be held among those who complete the registration for distribution of solar system. A government team will visit the home of the draw winner and install a standard and complete solar system. All these news are available only through certain sources so far but as soon as any procedure is released by the government the complete method will also be shared with you, so visit our website daily.

What is the Benefits of the Roshan Gharana Program:

The Roshan Gharana program was launched by the Chief Minister of Punjab, which aims to provide free solar system to 50,000 consumers whose electricity consumption is up to 100 units. By this, electricity bills will be significantly reduced and electricity will also be saved. In this way, there will be a clear reduction in the financial difficulties of peopleKeeping in view the increasing prices of electricity, the Punjab government has started this Roshan Gharana program to end this problem of the people.

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